What is idc? What does idc mean? What does idc mean in a computer room

What is IDC? What does idc mean? What does IDC data center mean? In fact, IDC is right beside us, closely related to our daily lives, but it doesn’t appear in front of everyone. Below, we will explain what IDC is? What does idc mean? What does IDC data center mean?

Literally, IDC is the Internet data center. The following figure is a popular interpretation of Baidu Encyclopedia on the Internet data center. IDC data center refers to a large computer room, which uses the existing Internet communication lines and bandwidth resources of communication operators to establish a standardized data center computer room environment, and provides enterprises, government agencies, individuals with a full range of services in terms of server hosting, rental business, and related value-added services.

This mainly includes specialized domain name registration queries, host hosting (rental of machine slots, racks, and data centers), resource rental (such as virtual host business and data storage services), and system maintenance(System configuration, data backup, troubleshooting services), management services (such as bandwidth management, traffic analysis, load balancing, intrusion detection, system vulnerability diagnosis), as well as other support and operational services.
