What is IDC? IDC Fundamentals.

What exactly is IDC? Some people believe that IDC is simply placing the machines in its own computer room on someone else’s behalf, while others believe that IDC is an online real estate developer who provides a large house for everyone’s machines to settle in. These statements are also true or false. IDC is a business model that specializes in providing network resource outsourcing and professional network services.

Here, let’s briefly introduce some knowledge about IDC from Hurricane Technology – Windward. 1) What is a server? In a broad sense, a server refers to a computer system in a network that can provide certain services to other machines (if a PC provides FTP services externally, it can also be called a server).

Narrowly speaking, servers refer to certain high-performance computers that can provide services to the outside world through the network. Compared to ordinary PCs, they require higher stability, security, performance, and other aspects. Therefore, in terms of CPU, chipset, memory, disk system, network, etcThe hardware is different from a regular PC. 2) What is server hosting? Answer: Host hosting is when a company places its own servers on the telecommunications operator IDC

A dedicated hosting server room, utilizing the data center’s lines, ports, and equipment to establish its own promotional base and window hosting for the information platform. Users have the ownership and configuration rights of the equipment, and can reserve sufficient development space for users according to their needs. 3) What is server leasing? Answer: Users are interested in the services they own on their network and do not need to purchase servers.

IDC data center provides users with a complete solution, and users can achieve ownership by renting IDC servers. 4) What is a virtual host? Virtual hosting utilizes virtual hosting technology to divide a host into many “virtual” hosts, each of which can be viewed as an independent domain name with completeInternet server functionality.

Can (www, ftp, email), different virtual hosts on a server are independent and managed by users themselves, but a server host can only support a certain number of virtual hosts. When this number is exceeded, users will feel a sharp decline in performance on the same hardware and operating system, running different server programs opened for multiple users.

6) What is the difference between international domain names and domestic domain names? International domain name: The name selected by the registration authority plus the top-level type; Domestic domain name: The name selected by the registration authority plus the top-level categoryType plus national domain; There is no difference in functionality between the two, but there are differences in management institutions: International domain names are registered and managed by ICANN authorized by the US Department of Commerce; The domestic domain name is calculated by the Chinese Academy of Sciences

1U=44.45mm; Different specifications are multiplied on the standard, i.e, it looks like a dry set of numbers, while the domain name http://jufdun.com It’s much easier to remember, both concise and meaningful.
