CES 2024实践:新款戴尔XPS14和XPS16现代化设计,添加AI Oomph

戴尔刚刚在CES 2024,为旗舰笔记本电脑系列推出了一项设计革新和两款新的14英寸和16英寸尺寸。

更新后的XPS 13以及全新的XPS 14和XPS 16型号都采用了之前发布的XPS 13 Plus的超现代设计风格,同时还获得了英特尔酷睿超“流星湖” 处理器处理。这意味着一个看不见的无缝触摸板、齐平的边到边键盘(有一个特殊的新键,稍后会有更多信息)、一个LED功能排和Core Ultras神经处理单元 用于机载AI任务。


(资料来源:Joseph Maldonado)


让我们先来看看这些新设计的起源XPS 13 Plus。我们首先审查了初版 2022年,以及2023年的更新模型。戴尔在其所有新款XPS机型中都采用了这种设计,其特点是隐藏在腕托上的无缝触摸板、LED功能排和嵌入式键盘。

我们很欣赏XPS 13 Plus的未来主义设计,但也想知道这些核心功能的变化——隐形触摸板、非物理功能键、无耳机插孔——是否会让用户反感。看起来,反馈是积极的,以这种大胆的风格向前推进,并将其扩展到两种新的屏幕尺寸。这些设计的部分让步是性能和连接性的下降,但新的尺寸和Meteor Lake处理器可以改变这个等式——稍后会详细介绍。

新的XPS键盘,从XPS 13 Plus继承而来(来源:Joseph Maldonado)

我们在过去见过许多XPS 13、15和17型号(十多年前也有一款采用了14英寸XPS),但在戴尔的现代产品线中,14和16尺寸是新的,多年来我们一直看到这三种奇数尺寸的产品线在更新。现在,XPS 14和XPS 16是正常循环的一部分。目前,XPS 15保持原样,XPS 17将被弃用而支持XPS 16,并且XPS 13已经与新尺寸一起被更新。

XPS 13起价1299美元,XPS 14起价1699美元,并且XPS 16起价1899美元;所有这些都将在今年第一季度“很快”上市。

准备上路的XPS 14(图片来源:Joseph Maldonado)

我们在这里(以及在视频中)重点关注新的XPS 14和XPS 16型号。我们已经看到XPS 13已经用XPS 13 Plus实现了这种设计,而这些介于屏幕之间的尺寸——现在在所有供应商中都更常见——很有趣。

除了这些引人注目的视觉特征外,XPS 14的尺寸仅为0.71乘12.6乘8.5英寸(HWD),重量为3.7磅,而XPS 16的尺寸为0.74乘14.1乘9.4英寸,重量为4.7磅。这些重量超出了“超便携”的定义,所以这个标签实际上只适用于XPS 13(重量仅2.6磅),即使它们很薄。因此,将这些视为高度移动的桌面替代品。

超光滑的XPS 16(图片来源:Joseph Maldonado)

嵌入这些框架的是14.5英寸和16.3英寸的面板。仅从XPS 14的名称来看,较小的屏幕是14.5英寸,而不是14英寸,这一事实并不明显,但它有助于进一步将其与XPS 13(13.4英寸)区分开来,并以便携的形式提供更多的不动产。XPS 14可以用FHD+分辨率(1920×1200像素)非触摸面板或3.2K(3200×2000像素)OLED触摸面板来订购。XPS 16更进一步,可搭配FHD+触摸屏或4K+(3840×2400像素)OLED触摸屏。

(资料来源:Joseph Maldonado)

除了延续XPS 13 Plus的风格外,戴尔还对可用性进行了一些改进。用户反馈显示希望调整LED功能行的照明;环境光传感器现在会提高或降低亮度,例如,在黑暗的环境中,它不会总是盯着你看。

在两种屏幕尺寸上,端口仍然是纤薄机器的端口。两者都配有三个USB Type-C端口霹雳4 支持、microSD读卡器和耳机插孔。不要忽视最后一个——这是对缺少音频插孔的XPS13 Plus的改进之一。现在很多用户都不需要,但这对那些需要的用户来说是一个恼人的障碍,所以戴尔将其重新添加到这些系统中。每台笔记本电脑还配有USB-C到USB-A和HDMI适配器。

(资料来源:Joseph Maldonado)

至关重要的是,网络摄像头是1080p摄像头,应能提供卓越的视频质量。戴尔还将提供一个专门的Microsoft Copilot键,用于快速启动人工智能任务,这让我们看到了另一个主要功能:英特尔的Meteor Lake芯片。



(资料来源:Rene Ramos/英特尔)

Core Ultra平台的内置NPU用于在本地级别处理人工智能任务,根据需要减轻CPU和GPU的负担。总结起来有很多:你可以阅读我们的独立的Intel Core Ultra文章 了解流星湖建筑的全部细节。

简而言之,酷睿超品牌处理器(Meteor Lake是第一代处理器)将与英特尔更传统的“酷睿i”系列共存,目前在笔记本电脑中处于第13代(又名“猛禽湖”)。Meteor Lake芯片包括传统的CPU和芯片上的集成图形,但也包括新的专用NPU部分,用于在本地系统级处理人工智能任务。

(Credit: Intel)

These chips, like the traditional Core i series, can be configured at a variety of power levels, in terms of CPU wattage, to be deployed in different types of laptops. The XPS 13, XPS 14, and XPS 16 are prime examples of this, running at up to 28 watts (28W), 33W, and 45W respectively. Just like the more established Core i chips, the Core Ultras will come in tiers of Ultra 5, Ultra 7, and Ultra 9, as well as U-series (for slimmer) and H-series (for performance) models. The new XPS laptops will all use H-class chips; more on the specific specs below.

Running tasks on a local NPU is also much more time-, power-, and cost-efficient than a server running the request for you remotely—after you already bought a laptop with this new technology, of course. The NPUs will have relatively low power draw while handling these AI-based requests in the background, so as to not slow down your system. Expect these to appear in thinner, portability-focused laptops first, like these XPS systems, before more widespread adoption.

(Credit: Joseph Maldonado)

If you’re wondering what exactly the scenarios are for hardware AI, youll find a variety, but it’s really only just beginning. Microsoft Copilot is going to be a major use case for this technology, though it’s not rolled out to most users yet.

Built into Windows, this AI companion will answer your queries, complete tasks in a more nuanced and faster way than before, and adjust all of your PC settings in one place on request. Dell showed us some demo integrations on how Copilot and Dell’s own settings and software can serve your needs in one chatbot experience.

Core Ultra Processing With Nvidia Upgrade Options

All three XPS sizes use Intels new Core Ultra H series of processors, denoting more power than the U-series alternatives. The XPS 13 can come equipped with the Core Ultra 5 125H, Ultra 7 155H, or Ultra 7 165H, while the XPS 14 can run the Ultra 7 155H or Ultra 7 165H. The XPS 16 can be outfitted with those same two Ultra 7 chips, but some time after launch, Dell will offer the option for the Core Ultra 9 185H.

(Credit: Joseph Maldonado)

Another aspect that differentiates the XPS 13 and 14: The latter can be configured with a dedicated Nvidia GPU. All three sizes start with Intels integrated Arc graphics (part of the new Core Ultra chips), but the XPS 14 can upgrade to a 30W GeForce RTX 4050 for some entry-level graphics power. This will hardly make it a gaming system, but is a boon for certain workloads, and it should make light gaming better. The XPS 16 gets more serious, capable of packing a 50W RTX 4050, a 50W RTX 4060, or a 60W RTX 4070.

(Credit: Joseph Maldonado)

Outside of the CPU and GPU, the memory and storage can scale up to the expected amounts. All three laptops can carry up to 64GB of memory, with the only difference being that the base-model XPS 13 starts at 8GB and the two larger laptops at 16GB. All three start with a 512GB SSD.

We’ll have plenty more on these flashy flagship laptops as they cross our test bench in 2024, so check back for deeper review coverage later this year.
