
虚拟现实和增强现实这两个术语被广泛使用。VR耳机,例如元任务2 或者阀门索引,以及AR应用程序和游戏,例如口袋妖怪Go,很受欢迎。它们听起来很相似,随着技术的发展,它们在某些方面相互渗透。这一点在新的苹果视觉专业版,这款耳机要到2024年初才能上市销售。



Meta Quest专业版 (资料来源:Will Greenwald)

VR耳机完全占据了你的视野,给你的印象是你在其他地方。这个PlayStation VR 2游戏机、Meta Quest 2、Valve Index和其他耳机都是不透明的,当你戴上它们时会挡住周围的环境。如果你在关机时戴上它们,你可能会觉得自己被蒙上了眼睛。



过热VR (来源:超级英雄团队)


虽然虚拟现实取代了你的视觉,但增强现实又增加了视觉Microsoft HoloLens公司,原件谷歌眼镜,以及各种企业级的“智能眼镜”,都是透明的,让你看到眼前的一切,就好像你戴着一副透明的眼镜。

这项技术是为自由移动而设计的,同时将图像投影到你所看到的任何东西上AR应用程序 以及游戏,如口袋妖怪Go,使用手机摄像头跟踪周围环境,并在其上视觉叠加额外信息。







苹果视觉专业版 (来源:苹果)


这是一个宽泛的术语,最终,混合现实可以描述任何部分 of the AR/VR spectrum, but were seeing more and more of a firm middle ground between them. The Meta Quest Pro, for example, has color cameras that provide a much clearer view of your surroundings and project virtual screens on your desk, letting you work as if you had multiple monitors and even use your own keyboard and mouse instead of virtual representations of them. The upcoming Apple Vision Pro also appears to have these features, and will similarly display virtual objects across your real environment. Apple calls its product a Spatial Computer.

Effectively, though, both of these experiences are more VR than AR. Unless youre dealing with a transparent display that overlays information about an environment that you can look at directly, any headset is still going to completely determine what your eyes see, pixel by pixel. Pass-through video gives a taste of AR, but youre still wearing a VR headset.

Looking Towards the Future

The line between AR and VR wont be going away fully any time soon, but in the short term, it will become less defined as mixed reality becomes a bigger factor among VR headsets. Outward-facing cameras and environment-scanning technology will improve over time and youll be able to get a clearer look at your surroundings when wearing a headset—effectively making every VR headset a mixed reality headset as well.

In the longer term, however, that line will probably become sharper once again. For the moment, processing requirements and display technology still limit how small and affordable AR displays can be. The electronics that go into AR glasses are still expensive and take up a fair amount of space. Once the components become small enough to install on a pair of glasses without significantly adding to its heft, and are relatively inexpensive, dedicated AR displays will pull away from full vision-covering VR headsets and really bring the augmented reality concept into a consumer-friendly reality. For now, your choices are big goggles or staring at your phone.
